Star Currency Exchange
020 7193 7777
Best currency exchange shop in tooting

Money Transfer Rates

05 December 2024

Country Rate
Pakistan 353.60
India 107.70
Bangladesh 156.14
Srilanka 366.90
Jamaica 197.84
Ghana 19.79
Philippines 74.37

Call for more rates

020 7193 7777

Money Transfer Rates

05 December 2024

Country Rate
Pakistan 353.60
India 107.70
Bangladesh 156.14
Srilanka 366.90
Jamaica 197.84
Ghana 19.79
Philippines 74.37

Call for more rates

020 7193 7777

Money Exchange Made Effortless

Are you moving abroad, purchasing goods from Europe, or buying property? You can save time and money with our paramount exchange rates and solutions. Need help? Your currency specialist is here to help you and guess what, it is free to use. Can you transfer cash?
We don’t deal in cash. We only exhange currencies via bank. We don’t exchange through cash.
What guidance you will get from us?
We will give you a personal agent when you make a transaction with us. They will guide your decsion-making and keep you up to date with market news.
How is your money secure?
Whenever you make a transfer, you are protected by state of the art technology and compliance process. We are authorized by the Financial Conduct.
We stick to ACA rules and regulations which means your money is kept in a separate account from comapny’s money. Even if we stop trading your money remains safe